The Gilms

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About the Website

This Website is Under Construction. Please be patient for new updates

Currently the focus of the website is to host updates about my learning journey, be it about programming or about other topics. I'm still deciding if I'm going to expand and add other things like a 'blog' type of thing.

It is in my plans to eventually redesign this whole website, and add more interesting topics.

Objectives (for now)


  1. Programming
  2. Security
  3. Automation and Eletronics

Another update - July 19, 2024

Changed the whole website. It doesn't look as good I want, and cerainly not as cool as other websites on neoncities. But now it's much less of a mess than before and probably more readable. Suggest me ideas in the contacts page.

Updates (I guess) - July 18, 2024

Ok so I believe I should give some updates of what I've been doing. I'm still on objective one (Learning Java). So, for the reason of avoiding confusion in what should I focus, I did not put the time in Html and Css to make the I plan on doing that after at least doing some cool projects with Java.

On a cool note, I've updated the website appearance, changed the font, and added a page to show progress. Sadly neocities is having some bugs for some reason?

I am unsure if I should leave some form of getting contact. Meanwhile, please try to use comments on the neoncities website.